Mary Pickford quotes (Canadian born American Actress called America's Sweetheart during the silent-film era. Best known for her portrayals of young, innocent girls. 1893-1979)
Swami Sivananda quotes (Indian Yoga master, Physician, Monk and Founder of The Divine Life Society, 1887-1963)
Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull', b.1936)
Denis Waitley quotes (American motivational Speaker and Author of self-help books. b.1933)
Mary Tyler Moore quotes (American Comedian and Actress, b.1936)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn quotes (Russian novelist, Nobel Prize for Literature (1970), b.1918)
Elbert Hubbard quotes (American editor, publisher and writer, 1856-1915)
Dr. Seuss quotes (American Writer and Cartoonist best known for his collection of children's books. 1904-1991)
Albert Einstein quotes (German born American Physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity. Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921. 1879-1955)