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Faith Baldwin quotes

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American author 1893-1978
Faith Baldwin quotes
Faith Baldwin popularity 5/10
    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down with incredible swiftness”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Time is a dressmaker, specializing in alterations”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Sometimes there is a greater lack of communication in facile talking than in silence.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“You cannot contribute anything to the ideal condition of mind and heart known as Brotherhood, however much you preach, posture, or agree, unless you live it.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Men's private self-worlds are rather like our geographical world's seasons, storm, and sun, deserts, oases, mountains and abysses, the endless-seeming plateaus, darkness and light, and always the sowing and the reaping.”

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    I Like this quote I dislike this quote“One of the dreariest spots on life's road is the point of conviction that nothing will ever again happen to you.”

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