Mark Twain quotes (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910)
Voltaire quotes (French Philosopher and Writer. One of the greatest of all French authors, 1694-1778)
Spanish Proverb quotes
Publilius Syrus quotes (Roman author, 1st century B.C.)
F. Scott Fitzgerald quotes (American Writer. Author of The Great Gatsby. 1896-1940)
François de la Rochefoucauld quotes (French classical author, leading exponent of the Maxime, 1613-1680)
Sigmund Freud quotes (Austrian neurologist and Founder of psychoanalysis. (father of prominent children's psychoanalyst Anna Freud), 1856-1939)
Terence quotes (Ancient Roman comic Playwright and Dramatist of the Roman Republic. 195 BC-159 BC)
Jean Rostand quotes (French Historian and Biologist, 1894-1977)