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Famous Senators

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Alexander Wiley popularity 0/10  Alexander Wiley quotesHuey Long popularity 8/10  Huey Long quotes
Augustus Owsley Stanley popularity 0/10  Augustus Owsley Stanley quotesJ. William Fulbright popularity 3/10  J. William Fulbright quotes
Barry Goldwater popularity 8/10  Barry Goldwater quotesJeremiah A. Denton, Jr. popularity 0/10  Jeremiah A. Denton, Jr. quotes
Bill Bradley popularity 7/10  Bill Bradley quotesJesse Helms popularity 7/10  Jesse Helms quotes
Bob Dole popularity 8/10  Bob Dole quotesJohn McCain popularity 8/10  John McCain quotes
Boies Penrose popularity 0/10  Boies Penrose quotesJohn Sharp Williams popularity 0/10  John Sharp Williams quotes
Carter Glass popularity 5/10  Carter Glass quotesJohn Taylor popularity 8/10  John Taylor quotes
Daniel Webster popularity 8/10  Daniel Webster quotesJohn W. Warner popularity 0/10  John W. Warner quotes
David Jaye popularity 3/10  David Jaye quotesJoseph R. McCarthy popularity 3/10  Joseph R. McCarthy quotes
Dianne Feinstein popularity 7/10  Dianne Feinstein quotesMargaret Chase Smith popularity 7/10  Margaret Chase Smith quotes
Dr. Harrison H. Schmidt popularity 0/10  Dr. Harrison H. Schmidt quotesOrrin Hatch popularity 6/10  Orrin Hatch quotes
Edward Kennedy popularity 6/10  Edward Kennedy quotesPaul Tsongas popularity 5/10  Paul Tsongas quotes
Ernest F. Hollings popularity 0/10  Ernest F. Hollings quotesRobert A. Taft popularity 5/10  Robert A. Taft quotes
Eugene J. McCarthy popularity 0/10  Eugene J. McCarthy quotesRobert C. Byrd popularity 7/10  Robert C. Byrd quotes
Everett Dirksen popularity 5/10  Everett Dirksen quotesRobert Duncan popularity 7/10  Robert Duncan quotes
Gary Hart popularity 7/10  Gary Hart quotesRussell B. Long popularity 0/10  Russell B. Long quotes
Henry Cabot Lodge popularity 7/10  Henry Cabot Lodge quotesSam Ervin popularity 5/10  Sam Ervin quotes
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. popularity 0/10  Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. quotesSenator John Kerry popularity 7/10  Senator John Kerry quotes
Henry M. Jackson popularity 0/10  Henry M. Jackson quotesThomas Corwin popularity 5/10  Thomas Corwin quotes
Hillary Clinton popularity 10/10  Hillary Clinton quotesWilliam Proxmire popularity 0/10  William Proxmire quotes
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