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Famous Pianists

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Arthur Rubinstein popularity 5/10  Arthur Rubinstein quotesHazel Scott popularity 6/10  Hazel Scott quotes
Bill Evans popularity 8/10  Bill Evans quotesJelly Roll Morton popularity 8/10  Jelly Roll Morton quotes
Billy Joel popularity 10/10  Billy Joel quotesJimmy Durante popularity 8/10  Jimmy Durante quotes
Byron Janis popularity 0/10  Byron Janis quotesJohannes Brahms popularity 8/10  Johannes Brahms quotes
Christine Anderson popularity 6/10  Christine Anderson quotesLeonard Bernstein popularity 8/10  Leonard Bernstein quotes
Count Basie popularity 8/10  Count Basie quotesLittle Richard Penniman popularity 0/10  Little Richard Penniman quotes
Dave Brubeck popularity 8/10  Dave Brubeck quotesOscar Levant popularity 7/10  Oscar Levant quotes
Duke Ellington popularity 10/10  Duke Ellington quotesRay Charles popularity 10/10  Ray Charles quotes
Elton John popularity 10/10  Elton John quotesThelonious Monk popularity 8/10  Thelonious Monk quotes
Eubie Blake popularity 7/10  Eubie Blake quotesVictor Borge popularity 7/10  Victor Borge quotes
Fats Waller popularity 8/10  Fats Waller quotesVladimir Horowitz popularity 6/10  Vladimir Horowitz quotes
George Szell popularity 5/10  George Szell quotesZubin Mehta popularity 7/10  Zubin Mehta quotes
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