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Famous Coaches

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Abe Lemons popularity 5/10  Abe Lemons quotesIsiah Thomas popularity 7/10  Isiah Thomas quotes
Barry Magee popularity 0/10  Barry Magee quotesJeff Dominguez popularity 0/10  Jeff Dominguez quotes
Bill Beattie popularity 5/10  Bill Beattie quotesJimmy Johnson popularity 8/10  Jimmy Johnson quotes
Bill McCartney popularity 7/10  Bill McCartney quotesLarina Kase popularity 0/10  Larina Kase quotes
Bill Meyer popularity 3/10  Bill Meyer quotesPaul Bryant popularity 6/10  Paul Bryant quotes
Bobby Bowden popularity 7/10  Bobby Bowden quotesPercy Wells Cerutty popularity 0/10  Percy Wells Cerutty quotes
Bobby Knight popularity 8/10  Bobby Knight quotesPhil Jackson popularity 8/10  Phil Jackson quotes
Chris Vallery popularity 0/10  Chris Vallery quotesRed Auerbach popularity 6/10  Red Auerbach quotes
Duffy Daugherty popularity 0/10  Duffy Daugherty quotesRhoberta Shaler, PhD popularity 0/10  Rhoberta Shaler, PhD quotes
Frank Leahy popularity 5/10  Frank Leahy quotesTom Krause popularity 0/10  Tom Krause quotes
George Allen popularity 7/10  George Allen quotesTommy Lasorda popularity 7/10  Tommy Lasorda quotes
George Halas popularity 7/10  George Halas quotesVince Lombardi popularity 8/10  Vince Lombardi quotes
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