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Dutch Authors

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Abraham Kuyper popularity 3/10  Abraham Kuyper quotesJohan Huizinga popularity 5/10  Johan Huizinga quotes
Annie M.G. Schmidt popularity 0/10  Annie M.G. Schmidt quotesJuliana of the Netherlands popularity 0/10  Juliana of the Netherlands quotes
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek popularity 7/10  Antonie van Leeuwenhoek quotesLoesje popularity 5/10  Loesje quotes
Aritha Van Herk popularity 0/10  Aritha Van Herk quotesLouis van Gaal popularity 0/10  Louis van Gaal quotes
Baruch Spinoza popularity 6/10  Baruch Spinoza quotesLydia Rood popularity 0/10  Lydia Rood quotes
Bernard Mandeville popularity 6/10  Bernard Mandeville quotesM.W. van Swieten popularity 0/10  M.W. van Swieten quotes
Cees Buddingh popularity 0/10  Cees Buddingh quotesManfred Kets de Vries popularity 3/10  Manfred Kets de Vries quotes
Corrie Ten Boom popularity 8/10  Corrie Ten Boom quotesMata Hari popularity 8/10  Mata Hari quotes
Desiderius Erasmus popularity 8/10  Desiderius Erasmus quotesRembrandt popularity 9/10  Rembrandt quotes
Edsger Dijkstra popularity 0/10  Edsger Dijkstra quotesSilvia Millecam popularity 0/10  Silvia Millecam quotes
Famke Janssen popularity 9/10  Famke Janssen quotesTheo Maassen popularity 0/10  Theo Maassen quotes
Frans de Waal popularity 0/10  Frans de Waal quotesTom Manders popularity 0/10  Tom Manders quotes
Godfried Bomans popularity 2/10  Godfried Bomans quotesToon Hermans popularity 0/10  Toon Hermans quotes
Hans van Mierlo popularity 0/10  Hans van Mierlo quotesVincent van Gogh popularity 10/10  Vincent van Gogh quotes
Henri Nouwen popularity 7/10  Henri Nouwen quotesWillem de Kooning popularity 7/10  Willem de Kooning quotes
Herman van Veen popularity 5/10  Herman van Veen quotesWillem de Liefde popularity 0/10  Willem de Liefde quotes
Jan Cremer popularity 0/10  Jan Cremer quotesXaviera Hollander popularity 0/10  Xaviera Hollander quotes
Johan Cruijff popularity 0/10  Johan Cruijff quotes 
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