macbeth quotes
by Mark Lugris
Macbeth is Shakespeare's most brutal tragedy. The story of a brave Scottish general, who is prophesized as the future king of Scotland, Macbeth studies the corruption of the human soul. Influenced by his wife, Lady Macbeth, the general kills the reigning King and steals the throne. He becomes a tyrant and must continue to murder to protect his position. The massacre leads to madness and death.
Macbeth Quotes on Murder
Macbeth Quotes on Fear
Macbeth Quotes on Madness
Macbeth Quotes on Death
Macbeth was written in 1606 during the reign of James I. James' close bond with Shakespeare is reflected in Macbeth, which paid reverence to the Scottish King. The themes of good versus evil, personified by Duncan and Macbeth struck a chord in the English court, where divine right was being examined.
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