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love quotes

Love Quotes: Proceed with Caution

by Mark Lugris

Love quotes can be a double edged sword.  In choosing the title of her latest novel, Love, Toni Morrison has said that she was distressed at the thought of using such a hackneyed word.

    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"(Love) is easily the most empty cliché, the most useless word, and at the same time the most powerful human emotion—because hatred is involved in it, too."

 Toni Morrison quotes (American writer, teacher and editor. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Beloved; won Nobel Prize for Literature, 1993, b.1931)

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Perhaps in its essence, love is a word we love to hate, and love quotes suffer a similar fate.  Love quotes are the scourge of love cynics, yet popular culture has built a business around love and  love quotes.  Love quotes inundate greeting cards, valentine keepsakes and romantic gifts.

    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"We're obviously going to spend a lot in marketing because we think the product sells itself."

 Jim Allchin quotes

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Love is the most easily recognizable human emotion, and to deny its existence is self-defeating.  Thus, love quotes have become a natural expression of these emotions.  As D.H. Lawrence noted:

    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"In every living thing there is the desire for love."

 D.H. Lawrence quotes (British poet, novelist and essayist, 1885-1930)

About: Foresight quotes, Love quotes, Cute love quotes.
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Despite their good intentions, love quotes can unsettle even the most incurable romantics.  Fickle, brazen and egocentric, love disappoints as often as it rescues.  Love quotes reflect these emotions.  As Euripides observed:

    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"What anger worse or slower to abate than lovers love when it turns to hate."

 Euripides quotes (Greek playwright, c. 480-406 BC)

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Hence, this detested word, misunderstood emotion and mistrustful attachment, and by extension love quotes, must be approached with caution, for we rarely practice what we preach.  As Tom Lehrer illustrates,

    I Like this quote I dislike this quote"I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!"

 Tom Lehrer quotes (American singer, song writer and mathematician, was a professor of Math at Harvard who wrote many satrical tunes (Poisioning Pigeons) in the 1960s. b.1928)

About: Hate quotes.
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